Sweet and precious Brittany, your family and Angel Leah's family are linked together forever by destiny. Rose, you know all to well this road of grief we are now traveling on, and finding comfort is not a destination but rather a continuing journey. I want to thank you for reaching out to my family that first day I did the website. All my angel families are dear to my heart, and we are kin by a common bond of grief. My mother wanted me to print some of the condolence cards you all have sent online and take them to Leah's treasure chest at her resting place for Christmas evening. I did. You can see the very first one you sent Leah in one of the pictures under the memories icon. I had to promise my mom I would print her another one because she was hesitant to leave the cards when she saw how beautiful they were. She was very moved by the acts of kindness of complete strangers, only we are not stangers but family now. I am assuming the role of Aunt Jo to my Brittany also if you don't mind. I am always Aunt Jo to everybody. I tell the young people at church," call me Aunt Jo" I love people, but especially the young and the elderly and the ones who do not have a voice for themselves. God bless you in the coming New Year, my friend. Aunt Jo (JoAnn Finchum)
Wishing your family and friends happiness and many blessings in the New Year

Sweet Dreams....xoxoxoxoxoxoxox