I was browsing through this web site and found Brittany and got tho know her a bit. I'm so sorry for your loss and wanted you to know that, although far a way on other side the world someone else is thinking about her and your family.Such a beautiful young lady. My deepest sympathies to you and your family in the loss.Sharing the pain of losing one so very loved. Just want to tell you I feel your pain. Not many people can understand this pain, execpt those that have lost a own child. Ours childern left this world so fast and without warning. Losing a loved one this way can only make we feel like they was "stolen" from as. We didnt have that last hug, a kiss, or the sound of thier voice echo through ours ears. We don't get to say goodbye, and the best words we can tell them.. is "I love you!". All this gets taken away. Leaving the family with so much hurt and pain, that only time can "help ease" the pain. Honeslty, i don't think it will ever go away.Living in thier memory and remembering all the great times shared is whats left to hold on to.
How can I remember on my son Dragan( Name Dragan, translated from croatien on english: darling,dear,sweethard…but Dragon has different meaning,mean zmaj,) without others Angel..
May the site's ours childern touch the lives of others in the way ours childern would've wanted it to.God Bless.
Berislav joivic, dragan's dad