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Jan Mom of Angel Erika Anstett Thanks for Candles Lit March 12, 2009

Dear Grandma Rose,  I see you've lit 3 candles for my daughter & didn't know who you were til I

saw this beautiful tribute to your lovely Brittany.  How terribly tragic what happened to her.

So glad he got life. When I read her story, today would have been Erika's 27th Bday, I sobbed for

your loss & loosing both girls at the same age. My deepest sympathy to you & your family for the

trauma & trial you've been through. Glad to see you belong to POMC, we belong to TCF for

bereaved families. The support groups really help.  May God give your family the strength to

endure the pain of your loss.  The beautiful memories you have of your Angel Brittany will be

forever in your hearts.  May God Bless your Family!

Rea mom of Emile de Miranda Your angel March 2, 2009
(((Kim))) You are in my prayers and close to my heart. I know the pain you are suffering. This is the most unbearable agony for us to go thru. I am sending you peaceful and positive thoughts and may God give you peace in your heart. Blessed Be.
Shelli Ralls Mom to Angel Chance March 1, 2009

I read the cirsumstances in which you lost Brittany and I am sickened and so so sad for your family. It's always bad to lose our children but its even worse when its from a criminal act of another person.  I hope there is justice for Brittany.  My prayers for your family.  God Bless

Kathy Peters Deryk's Mom February 28, 2009
The Rose Beyond The Wall

Near shady wall a rose once grew. Budded and
blossomed in God's free light.  Watered and fed by
morning dew.  Shedding its sweetness day and night.

As it grew and blossomed fair and tall
Slowly rising to loftier height
It came to a crevice in the wall
Through which there shown a Beam of Light.

Onward it crept with added strength
With never a thought of fear or pride
It followed the light thru the crevice length
And unfolded itself on the other side.

The Light, the dew the broadening view
Were found the same as they were before
and lost itself in beauties new
Breathing its fragrance more and more.

Shall claim of Death cause us to grieve
And make our courage faint of fall?
Nay, let us faith and hope receive
The Rose still grows beyond the wall.

Scattering fragrance far and wide.  Just as it did
in days of yore.  Just as it did on the other side
Just as it will forever more.

In Loving Memory of Your Beautiful  Brittney

A beam of light, fair and tall
blooming still beyond the wall.
Jordan Logan's Grandma Thinking of you. February 26, 2009




Hugs From Heaven
by Charlotte Anselmo

When you feel a gentle breeze
Caress you when you sigh
It's a hug sent from Heaven
From a loved one way up high.

If a soft and tender raindrop
Lands upon your nose
They've added a small kiss
As fragile as a rose.

If a song you hear fills you
With a feeling of sweet love
It's a hug sent from Heaven
From someone special up above.

If you awaken in the morning
To a bluebird's chirping song
It's music sent from Heaven
To cheer you all day long.

If tiny little snowflakes
Land upon your face
It's a hug sent from Heaven
Trimmed with Angel lace.

So keep the joy in your heart
If you're lonely my dear friend
Hugs that are sent from Heaven
A broken heart will mend.

Carol from Kentucky To Brittany's family February 22, 2009
Baby Eli's Mommy "Happy Valentine's Day Sweet Angel" February 14, 2009







Alexis Goudelock's Grandma Happy Valentines Day February 14, 2009

Baby Ethan Lombard's Mommy Happy Valentine's Day Sweetie! February 13, 2009

Love, Angel Ethan & Family <3
x o
Joyce mom of Kary Stokes A Thank You February 13, 2009
I always see you have written on my son's memorial and I never knew who you were..I finally looked you up..Your daughter was precious and beautiful..such a waste of life...thank you for the messages to my family...My son was shot on Thanksgiving night 2006....I miss him so much..he would have been 35 on Feb. 8th, I had him for 32 years and God has him for the rest....I donated all of his organs and so many wonderful people have are alive because of him, he was always giving in life and he was giving in death....My heart goes out to you.....
Condoléances totales: 1289
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